"Green chemistry is actually an economic strategy for sustainable development in regards to the anthropogenic activities in the chemistry field. It is becoming increasingly common to study strategies that combine the economic interests with the need for environmental conservation. (Flavia Martins da Silva, Joel Jones Junior e Jonas da Silva Santos - Current Organic Syntheis, 2018) "

SOA, the group where the research is used to qualify professionals.

The Pioneer Group in the world in Michael Additions with stereoselectivity in Water

SOA - Síntese Orgânica Ambiental - Dept. Química Orgânica - Instituto de Química UFRJ - Avenida Athos da Silveira Ramos, Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco A, sala 611 - Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Postal Address:
Caixa Postal 68.584 - CEP 21941-972 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Phone: (55)(21) 562-7133
e-mail: soa@soa.pro.br